Our Story

The Jetty Rock Foundation is the non-profit arm of the Jetty
brand, formed in June of 2012 as a direct result of Jetty's massive Sandy
Relief efforts. Our community was hit hard by the devastating impact of Sandy.
We quickly mobilized our Jetty partnerships and launched the first initiative
selling a custom t-shirt collection. 100% of the proceeds were donated toward
local Sandy Relief efforts.

Supporting Local Waterways

Today we continue to be a vehicle for local change and believe in the motto, “rising tides lift all ships”. Our local community rallies with Jetty Rock Foundation to raise funds that support local independent businesses and the local ecosystem we rely on.

Community Partners

Our partners and sponsors allow us to run such successful
events. Please patronize our partners who are dedicated to giving back to our

Interested in Becoming a Partner?

Jetty Rock Foundation partners are the foundation of our
organization. These business owners and local companies share our passion for our
native species and waterways, and are committed to protecting them.

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